Sons of Thunder #SonsOfThunderMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork #PureFlix

 I was compensated for this post and was provided a trial membership.

So, I have been on the fence awhile about Pure Flix.  Not that I heard anything negative about them, but I just never have time to watch tv.... Or at least that is what I tell myself.  The other day I spent 20 minutes trying to find something "new" (at least new to me) to watch on Netflix before I finally gave up.  TV shows just aren't Wholesome anymore.  I remember as a little girl I would sit for hours watching Little House of the Prairie with my mom or Family Matter with my dad on the weekend.  Now when I watch tv, I'm left with the feeling that I wasted my time.  I feel like most shows spend more time trying to "push the line" instead of creating something enjoyable.

With that being said I'm super excited to be able to try Pure Flix.  Why may you ask?

Because they have thousands of faith-filled and family-friendly movies and shows, sure to inspire, encourage and uplift.

Recently I discovered Sons of Thunder

Combat vet Simon motorcycles across the country, working odd jobs, helping those God puts in his path, and trying to atone for past sins in a biker club.  

Simon is unsure what he is doing and has little money.  But as we all know with God at the helm he will be steered where he needs to go.  I'm excited to watch Simon overcome what seems like impossible situations.  And I love that like most of us, Simon is trying to atone, we all been there. This series does have some pretty intense scenes, I liked that because it was something my hubby could get into as well. 

And even better there is a new spin off series about to be released: Sons of Thunder: Redemption