Disclaimer: I was given a review copy of the book in this post. I was not paid to write this post, all opinions are my own.
Creation’s First Light
I get up every single day and pack a healthy lunch for my boys. I take them to school for an education, I sign them up for sports so they can interact with their peers, I wash and iron their clothing so they can look good, I make sure they bathe and brush their teeth and don't eat to much junk so they can feel good. I tell them that they are loved, because they are. I smile at them, sing to them and just make sure they are happy. The Greatest Gift I ever gave my boys though is letting them know about God's love. Letting them know God cares and God made them special.
If you ever read one of my posts you will know that I am a Christian, a very devoted one. I preach to my kiddos about Jesus and the fact that because of him we can choose to be forgiving and to be part of God's family.
So you may be shocked I choose to review a book that was a Finalist in the National Jewish Book Awards.
Here is the thing, God is God. I don't care how people choose to worship him as long as they do. God loves us all no matter what path we choose to walk with him. Our views may differ, but at the end of the day we can all agree God is good <3 I attened an Evangelical Congregation and for us the message of the Bible is love. Love each other, love God, love the world he gave us, love the word he provided us. Just love! So don't be shocked I am reviewing a book that is from Jewish culture. They love God as much as I do and I am honored to share this book not only with you, but also with my family.
Creation's First Light
Everyone Carries Their Own Special Light Rabbi writes children’s book on creation of the world
Jewish legend tells of the light on the first day of creation that was different from all the other lights. Through it, you could see the whole world. Most believe that “the light” was passed down through the generation, but some imagine that individuals have lost “the light.” Have we? When author Sandy Sasso looked into the innocent eyes of her newborn grandson, she was certain that she had found “the light”. Sasso reminds us that “the light” of the Jewish legend is always with us, but sometimes we need to look more carefully to find it. “Even when it seems that darkness is all around us, we can find a spark of the light inside us,” Sasso said. In “Creation’s First Light”, Sasso honors the religious imagination of children and offers an artistic way of looking at the creation of the world. Recognizing the power of the Genesis story, Sasso tells the legend of the light as a way of opening up conversations between parents, grandparents and their children. “Children are interested in the big issues that faith addresses. We owe it to them to respect their ability to engage those questions,” Sasso said.
Now for me that light is the Holy Spirit, I feel like the day I accepted Christ I was blessed with the Holy Spirit. I know in the Jewish culture the light is not viewed the same, but I love how they explain the light. It is a spark of pure goodness, the refer to it as the soul. I love how the book says it has been passed down from one family member to the next. To me that is beautiful.
The photos in this story are beautiful and even though the sentences are short they pack a lot of heart and meaning into them.
My kiddos enjoyed reading this book with me :)
You can learn more at this link below:
Creation's First Light
Everyone Carries Their Own Special Light Rabbi writes children’s book on creation of the world
Jewish legend tells of the light on the first day of creation that was different from all the other lights. Through it, you could see the whole world. Most believe that “the light” was passed down through the generation, but some imagine that individuals have lost “the light.” Have we? When author Sandy Sasso looked into the innocent eyes of her newborn grandson, she was certain that she had found “the light”. Sasso reminds us that “the light” of the Jewish legend is always with us, but sometimes we need to look more carefully to find it. “Even when it seems that darkness is all around us, we can find a spark of the light inside us,” Sasso said. In “Creation’s First Light”, Sasso honors the religious imagination of children and offers an artistic way of looking at the creation of the world. Recognizing the power of the Genesis story, Sasso tells the legend of the light as a way of opening up conversations between parents, grandparents and their children. “Children are interested in the big issues that faith addresses. We owe it to them to respect their ability to engage those questions,” Sasso said.
Now for me that light is the Holy Spirit, I feel like the day I accepted Christ I was blessed with the Holy Spirit. I know in the Jewish culture the light is not viewed the same, but I love how they explain the light. It is a spark of pure goodness, the refer to it as the soul. I love how the book says it has been passed down from one family member to the next. To me that is beautiful.
The photos in this story are beautiful and even though the sentences are short they pack a lot of heart and meaning into them.
My kiddos enjoyed reading this book with me :)
You can learn more at this link below:
Creation's First Light