This is a compensated post. All opinions are still my own and truthful.
Campus Book Rentals
Who loves saving money? Hopefully everyone said yes :).
I am one of those people who always looks for a deal, doesn't shop without coupons and is always looking for ways to keep more of my money. The easier the better.
If you are like me, then you need to check out Campus Book Rentals. Never heard of them let me tell you a bit about them. offers you a cheap alternative to buying all your text books at full price.
Basically they make it super easy for you to save on textbooks! I'm not talking saving a buck or two, I am talking super savings, up to 40-90% off of bookstore prices and you also get free shipping both ways.
Free shipping to you and free shipping back.
I don't know about you, but not even I am that good with a coupon to save up to 90%.
Are you thinking:
What if I write in them, or what if I like to highlight my notes...
You can treat the books as if they were your own. You can highlight in the textbooks without being penalized!
Your next worry may be that you are forgetful. That you may not return them on time.
They offer super flexible rental periods.
Okay I know you are all amazed at this point. Don't worry me too, but don't go yet. is so confident that they offer 30 day risk free returns. There is absolutely no sign up fees or hidden cost, the books are the same ones you would find in your book store. Just at a huge fraction of the cost.
There site is so easy to you, heck you could even shop for books as you are eating lunch!
To use you can search for your subject such as history, Biology, and English or if you know the book you want you can also search by ISBN, author, and title.
After you find your book you pick your rental terms and decide how long you wish to rent the book, you can even choose your own return date.
Which is awesome since everyone has different times when they will need to rent the books.
My dad went to night school in the summer, so for him the normal rental days wouldn't have worked. understands this and makes their rental system work with your schedule.
So far I have told you how this site helps you save money. Now I want to tell you what takes this company from great to amazing.
They are huge supporters of Operation Smile. They donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented.
Operation Smile is an organization that performs life changing cleft lip surgeries on children whose families couldn't otherwise afford it. These surgeries really improve the quality of those young lives.
So each time you rent from you can smile knowing that your business is helping to bring someone else a smile.
So each time you rent from you can smile knowing that your business is helping to bring someone else a smile.