Kids Academy Company review

Disclaimer:  I was compensated for this post.  All opinions are my own.

Kids Academy Company review 

Kiddos need all the help they can get with education.  When Brandon Jr started kindergarten last year I was shocked at what he was expected to know even before starting school.  Thankfully he did go to preschool so he was ready, but for so many others it was a struggle.

Brandon is now in first grade and doing great, but my sweet Quinn is in preschool and he struggles.  I have been looking for online things to help him when he is at home.  I came across Kids Academy!  They are not only a great program, but also they are FREE!!  You simply log onto your ITunes account and download.

Kids Academy Company strives in early childhood educational apps.  They are geared towards kids ages 2-6.

 Quinn will soon be 4, he is in preschool, but he thinks he is there to play.  I need to give him that extra boost and these free apps were the perfect way to do it!  He really enjoyed playing Kids Academy ABC Alphabet and Phonics Tracing.  Using his finger he was easily able to trace letters and see how they are formed.  I liked that they taught him letter sounds so he now knows Apple starts with A and he can make the ahhh sound and know its A.

  This was only one the many activities, on one of many apps!

Here are the links to the 3 free apps you can download right now at iTunes: