Disclaimer:  I was given products in this post for the purpose of review.  I was not paid in anyway to write this review.  All opinions are my own.

This post is part of my Back-To-School Guide to learn more click the photo below:


One of the most important things in life are the people we surround ourselves with.  The relationships we have not only with family, but also with friends is what molds us into the people we become. 
Friendship is a beautiful thing.  And it can be as simply as someone squeezing your hand when you need a bit of courage or as powerful as someone being that inspiration that inspires you to be and do your best.  Friends come in all shapes and sizes. 
From time to time we tend to forget just how important certain friends are and we either take advantage of them or we put them on the back burner of life.  We have all been guilty of this I myself have just been struck with shame realizing as I typed that there is a friend I have not seen or talked to in over a year!

It wasn't until I received the Friendship thoughts, famous quotes, and a Journal that I really began to think about my friends and just how lucky I am to have made so many connections in my life.
So many kids go to college and forget old friends.  They move on and sometimes don't realize just how much that friend meant until they are gone.  This journal makes us remember why we had those friendship to begin with.  I think its perfect for all college students especially girls whom may be more into the journal keeping.
What I like most about this  FRIENDSHIP THOUGHTS, FAMOUS QUOTES, AND A JOURNAL is the fact its a unique 176-page friendship journal that includes an introduction about friendship and journal keeping by friendship coach and sociologist Jan Yager, Ph.D.
After the introduction there is 140 quotes on friendship written by philosophers, essayists, poets, playwrights, celebrities, psychologists, sociologists, authors, and leaders that she's been gathering for decades. Each quote is reprinted at the top of a blank lined page where you can journal. After the quotes/lined blank pages, there are several more pages to add your own or other friendship quotes plus 2 blank pages for drawings or photos.
I adore the quote at the top of each page.  Not only does it put me in a great mood before I begin to write my journal entry, but it also gives me some inspiration on what to write about!

After the 2 blank pages you then have excerpts follow several of Dr. Yager's six books on friendship and work relationships including seven top ways to make time for your friends.
As a busy mom I understand it can be hard to find that extra time for friendships so it was nice to have some tips on how to do this.
Finally the journal then has a contact directory to fill in as well as resources of online sites for making and keeping friends and a bibliography.

Not only would this be perfect for a personal keepsake, but also to gift to a friend.  

 For more on Jan, who's been interviewed on friendship on OPRAH, THE VIEW, and TODAY SHOW, go to:
Also if you want to check out the book for yourself see my link below:
Amazon Link

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I also had the chance to ask the author some questions! I really enjoyed her answers and I hope you will too!
1) In the beginning of Friendship Thoughts, Famous Quotes and a Journal you mention your friend Ginny.  I was wondering if the 2 of you are still friends and if she has inspired you in anyway?
Yes, I'm pleased to let you know that Ginny and I are still friends. We have made it a priority to keep our friendship going over all these years. By coincidence, Ginny and her husband moved from Long Island to Connecticut, the state I live in, to be closer to their daughter and her family. Although we're not at all like next door neighbors -- they live in a town about an hour and a half away -- we do make it a point to get together for brunch or dinner as our schedules permit at a central location. Between visits, we stay connected with e-mail. Yes, Ginny has inspired me in many ways because, like me, she has a strong commitment to her husband and to her immediate and extended families. She's also a hard worker, caring, and wonderful person, and our friendship has stood the test of time. It's an amazing gift to have a bond like that with someone that you have literally known since your very earliest days since we grew up next door to each other, neighbors from the time I was just six months old although I don't think we really played together till we were around two or so.
2)  You mention in the introduction to the journal a bit about how your mother-in-law "friended" you on Facebook.  I have mixed feelings about technology. On the one hand, I see it as a way to stay in touch with old friends. On the other hand, I see it as a way to form so-so relationships and to not really connect with people.  What are your feelings?
It's a question of degree. If a relationship only relies on technology, it will be hard to find it as fulfilling as a relationship that includes talking on the phone, getting together in person, and exchanging a personal e-mail or text message, besides a status update for someone's network of 50,100, or 1,000 "friends." I think it' great that my mother-in-law keeps up with the news about her children, grandchildren, and even great grandchildren through Facebook. But I also talk to my mother-in-law on the phone and my husband and I visit her in person so it's not just a Facebook connection. Technology can be a wonderful way to stay connected and, as long as you are careful and use common sense and caution, even a way to start new relationships. But technology alone cannot replace the full spectrum of interacting. I remember years ago when I was discussing my first popular book about friendship, FRIENDSHIFTS, that landed me on OPRAH, THE VIEW, CBS THIS MORNING, THE O'REILLY FACTOR, and the TODAY SHOW, I liked to say, "You can't hug an e-mail."
3) I'm still making may way through the quotes.  My favorite so far is "Happiness is a by product of an effort to make someone else happy.  -Journalist Gretta Palmer"  It doesn't make me think of a friend, but more of my kids and reminds me that my happiness normally comes from making them smile.  So my question for you is:  What would you say is your favorite quote and why?  
That's very difficult to answer! There are so many wonderful friendship quotes in my new journal, FRIENDSHIP THOUGHTS, FAMOUS QUOTES, AND A JOURNAL. I would have to say that one of my favorite is the very first one, from the best-selling self-help book HOW TO BE YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND by psychologists Mildred Newman and Bernard Berkowitz. The quote is: "We can learn to be our own best friend. If we do, we have a friend for life."
I definitely agree that friendship adds so much to our lives, positive friends. But I also applaud the idea of being one's own best friend because sometimes friends can turn on you, as I go into in my book, WHEN FRIENDSHIP HURTS (which is obviously a universal problem since the book is in 28 languages). Or friends can move away or friends can die and abandon you through no fault of their own.
Here's another quote from the journal that's thought-provoking and so true: "Everyone recognizes friendship, although nobody knows exactly what it is. And everyone surely wants to experience it, although friendship cannot be purchased and withers promptly at the hands of those who try to force it to flower." That's by Eugene Kennedy in his book, ON BEING A FRIEND.
It's so hard to pick just a few favorites because all the friendship quotes are provocative. Here's a third one, from the writer Merle Shain in her book, WHEN LOVERS ARE FRIENDS: "The people in one's life are like the pillars on one's  porch you see life through. And sometimes they hold you up, and sometimes they lean on you, and sometimes it's just enough to know they're standing by."
4) I think a lot of people are afraid to put themselves out there to make new friends.  What would your advice to them be?
It does take courage to try to make a new friend but my advice is to take it slow and go as fast as you feel comfortable going so you don't get scared by the possibility of this new friendship. Also, if you feeling very secure about yourself, you will feel confident that whatever happens with this new friendship, you can handle it. In doing interviews for my book WHEN FRIENDSHIP HURTS, I found that those who shared with me that they were afraid of friendship or of making new friends often had a friendship that ended that really devastated them. But learning to deal with a friendship that ends, whether it's because of indifference, an argument, or just moving away and losing contact, can be very empowering. Seeing that you can overcome the loss and disappoint can make it take much easier to try again with a new friend. In researching my doctoral dissertation on friendship, I discovered that it took the respondents in my study three years, on average, from when they met their current closest or best friend till when they thought they were truly what I call "tried-and-true" friends. So remember that and, even though there are "fast friends," give yourself the gift of time as you see where a new relationship develops, if it leads to a friendship or not. Also, even if someone becomes a casual friend, rather than a close or best friend, that friend might provide you with something positive in your life.
5)  Since I asked about new friends, I would also love your advice about friends who aren't really friends.  What do you do with a friend who is insulting, mean and truly isn't a friend?
Ah! I could write an entire book to answer that question. Wait, I did! (LOL) I hope it's okay to recommend that you read my book, WHEN FRIENDSHIP HURTS: How to Deal With Friends Who Betray, Abandon, or Wound You  You'll find lots of information and examples in that book, based on extensive original research, that will help you to figure out how to deal with those situations. Kidding aside, I especially want to direct you to the parts in the book where I discuss "pseudo-friends" as well as Chapter 2 where I discuss 21 types who may be potentially or are negative friends, what might cause them to be that way, and what to do about it.
6) I loved the Journal and I really enjoyed the quotes at the top of each page.  Would you mind telling me and my readers about  your other work and if you plan to write more in the future?
I mentioned two of my previous books on friendship in my other answers, namely, FRIENDSHIFTS and WHEN FRIENDSHIP HURTS. I also wrote a book of friendship affirmations that includes exercises for improving your friendships at work and in your personal life called 365 DAILY AFFIRMATIONS FOR FRIENDSHIP. I've also written three books about business relationships that your readers might find of interest:
PRODUCTIVE RELATIONSHIPS: 57 Strategies for Building Stronger Business Connections
WHO'S THAT SITTING AT MY DESK? Workship, Friendship, or Foe?
Your readers can find out more about all my books, including my novels -- two thrillers, UNTIMELY DEATH and JUST YOUR EVERYDAY PEOPLE and a psychological novel,THE PRETTY ONE at my main website:
You asked if I plan to write more in the future. Absolutely! Even while I'm finishing one book, I'm thinking about the books I still want to write, both nonfiction and fiction. And I dream of getting my original full length play, BETWEEN FRIENDS, produced. And I also dream of seeing the romantic comedy I wrote with my husband entitled NO TIME FOR LOVE, produced as a movie. Lots of books to write. Lots of plays to write and see produced. Lots of movies to see produced.
And I'm working on a new book about friendship. I welcome hearing from your readers for that new book through the questionnaire I developed. They can go to my main website,  and click on the button on the home page for the survey or they can go directly to the confidential survey and fill it out: