Purex Fabric Softener Sheets review and giveaway

Disclaimer I am a Purex insider which means from time to time I get free products in exchange for a review.  I am not paid for the reviews and the opinions are my own.

Purex Fabric Softener Sheets review and giveaway 

New improved formula with 3X the fragrance! 
 I won't lie until I applied to be part of this campaign I never knew Purex had Dryer sheets!!  Which is strange because we are Purex fanatics in my house!  

These are the new and improved sheets.  They have 3X the fragrance of the old ones.  Purex Fabric Softener dryer Sheets don’t just reduce static cling and leave your family’s laundry soft and smelling fresh: They can also keep your whole house smelling fresh! Just choose your favorite fragrance and tuck a sheet in hampers, in the linen closets, and any other laundry storage areas.
They have 2 scents right now Mountain Breeze and Sweet Lavender.

I choose Mountain Breeze as my scent and I'm so impressed.  I have an extra room in my house for storage and my blog stuff.  I stick blog stuff on a table until I ready to review it.  Well I seen the Purex box on my porch knew it would take a day until I got around to review it and stuck it in that room.  The next day I walked in to grab the box and was hit with this amazing aroma!!  I thought one of my perfume bottles spilled. I'm sure you can imagine my surprise when I realized it was the fabric sheets still in the box!!  So I can def. vouch and say yes they really are 3X the scent.
I used them in several places my laundry being the first and I was impressed that my bedding seemed to have reduced static cling!  Not as many little shocks as I took it out of the dryer :).  

I used them in my closet to give my clothing that nice smell (Plus my nanny insist it keeps moths away) and I stuck one in my vacuum canister so as I vacuumed my whole house smelled amazing. 

Today 2 Simply Me readers have the chance to win 1 coupon each for Purex Fabric Softener Sheets!
You must be 18+ and live in the continental USA
Update Winners have been contacted and prizes claimed