Disclaimer: I was given this product for the purpose of review I was not paid in anyway to write this review all opinions are my own.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Oransi Fridge Air Purifier review and giveaway
How many times have you opened your fridge and BAM your assaulted with some horrible smelling food item! And when I say horrible I mean onion, garlic, defrosting meat things that don't smell "rotten", but at the same time isn't something you want to smell every time you open your fridge. So I know a few of you are thinking why not just put baking soda in there that absorbs the smell?? My mom did this and I was to young to remember if it really worked or not, but one day I was maybe about 6 or 7 I open the door to the fridge and had the baking soda come flying out! It got in my mouth, nose, eyes and all over the floor. So for me baking soda is just a hazard waiting to happen!
I do have the solution though! Oransi Fridge and Air Purifier! This device works in the removal of odors and bacteria to keep your refrigerator smelling fresh and your food fresher. Patented Piezo-electric technology: allows for a high negative ion output to freshen your refrigerator without the harmful side effects of ozone that is found in standard ionizers. Sorry big words basically it keeps the fridge fresh without harmful side effects.
It works effectively to eliminate food odors, kill bacteria, reduce food spoilage, prevent mildew, sterilize fridge every 2 hours and neutralize stale odors!
So right away I was in love before I received the item. I will admit I was a bit nervous. I have a family of 4 my hubby, 2 kids and I and room in the fridge doesn't normally happen. I had no clue how I was going to fit this device in... That was until it arrived, it so small! Standing at only 3 or 4 inches high it hardly took up any room. So huge plus to Oransi. Next I was worried about spending lots of money to keep this thing running. I was so excited when I seen on the box that it takes 2 AA batteries that only have to be changed about every 60 days.
I'm so impressed I stuck this in my fridge late at night right next to an onion, because yes that is the smell I HATE most. I woke up the next morning to get the milk and guess what no BAM smell in my face! Just a nice crisp clean fridge smell.
Thank you Oransi for making my mornings a cheerier :)
Thank you Oransi for making my mornings a cheerier :)
I also want to mention that this device is only 1 of the many products Oransi carries!
If you would like to learn more please see my links below:
And today 1 Simply Me reader has the chance to win an Oransi Fridge Air purifier for themselves!
You must be 18+ and live in the continental USA NO PO boxes please.