Woolzies Review

Woolzies Review!


I bet just by reading the title you are wondering what are Woolzies?
Well they are a New Zealand wool dryer balls that soften your laundry naturally.
Now I guess you are wondering what are the benefits or using Woolzies?
Unlike dryer sheets and liquid fabric softeners, Woolzies last for 1,000 loads.   They give you peace of mind since they are don't have any of the chemicals of conventional fabric softeners!  Woolzies save time and energy by cutting down on drying time and they also help reduce static and wrinkle!
 And finally you are most likely wondering do they work?  Is it worth switching from what I'm using now to Woolizies?
YES and YES!  I love these I put them to the test with my blankets I seem to always have to run these through twice because they twist in the dryer and spots remain wet because it.  With Woolzies bouncing around they don't have the chance to twist!  My clothing is so soft and now I don't have to worry about chemicals on my clothing.  And better yet they last for 1000 loads!  The same balls not rebuying over and over again!  
I'm so impressed with this product and have told everyone I know about them!
They are eco-friendly since they are re-useable and like I said you feel good using them on your family's clothing!  

A woolzie may be different shapes or sizes because they are all hand made :)

Do you want to learn more?
See my link below:

Disclaimer:  I was given these products for the purpose of review.  I was in no way paid to write this review all opinions are my own.