**I have many giveaways coming up this month! I just set up a new facebook page, you can see it at the top of the right side bar! If you want to stay updated on all these giveaway you should like me on facebook too :) I don't want you to miss out on any giveaways!
My review of the 'Perplexus Rookie' Maze ball! And a giveaway!
As you all may know I have a very unique four year old. One thing you may not have known about him though is he loves doing puzzles and figuring things out. So recently when I was given the chance to do a review for "Perplexus Rookie" I was super excited, because I knew my son would enjoy it.I received The Perplexus Rookie On Friday June 22 and as of Tuesday June 26 it has passed the 5 day test! Are you wondering what the 5 day test is? On day 1 my son loves his new toys, to the point of being unable to put them down. If my son still loves a toy on day 5 it passed the 5 day test! I know it's silly, but any mom who ever bought a toy and after a day or two has seen it lying there no longer being played with, will understand the 5 day test lol :) So yes "The Perplexus Rookie" has officially passed the 5 day test.
I will do my review as a question and answer review. I will post a question that I think I would ask and give my honest answer.
What is a Perplexus Rookie?
What are some of the benefits of this toy?
Another benefit is the size. I loved being able to take this in the car and have a peaceful ride! (We just got home when I took this photo. My car was parked in my driveway. I was not driving and taking photos lol!) My son did get frustrated though when I would hit a bump and knock the ball off the maze.
Is this just for children?
No! "The Perplexus Rookie" is fun for the whole family. We played it on our family game night. We were each given 5 minutes to see who could get the farthest. I will post photos of the non-camera shy members of my family.
This is my brother's girlfriend. She wouldn't let me see how far she got! |
My little brother... hmm well he is 20 years old now and over 6' tall. Maybe I should say my younger brother ;)! He claims he got to the end, but the ball fell out before any of us could see... Another great thing about this is my brother can't cheat! He has been known to move a chess piece or rob the monopoly bank.
And this is my younger sister's boyfriend playing. He got to 50 on the barriers!
Wondering who won?? ME!!! I couldn't take a photo of myself so I took a photo of the ball! And yes there was a victory dance!
We had a blast playing this and a few times had to make my dad give it up after his 5 minutes were up. Everyone enjoyed it and I think it has become a permanent addition to our family game night!
Is there anything you would change?
The only thing I may change are the numbers on the course that let you know how far you are. They just blend into the track. I would have preferred them in black ink or some color so they stuck out more. It was not an issue for me, more so for my dad who kept being unable to see them. He does wear glasses though and was not wearing them when we were playing.
Where can I find more information on this product?
Perplexus This is the website. You can also find out what stores near you sell the rookie.
And if you have any questions about my experience feel free to ask.
My family and I really enjoyed the Perplexus Rookie. It is a great challenge for the whole family. And for my 4 year old it is a great motor building skill toy. So I definitely recommend this product to other families :)
Disclaimer: I received this product for the purpose to review and keep. All opinions in this review are from my family experience.
The wonderful people at Perplexus have agreed to let me do a giveaway!!
GIVEAWAY RULES! Don't not ignore read this please!!
The giveaway will be in rafflecopter form the first two entries are mandatory. You must follow Perplexus on twitter and like their facebook page. You will see these entries on the rafflecopter form. And I will check to make sure this is done.
You must be 18+
Because of shipping reasons you must live in the US (excluding Hawaii and Alaska). Giveaway is also opened to Canada :)!!
NO PO BOXES, this item can not be shipped to a PO box.
As part of the giveaway guidelines other review/giveaway bloggers are not eligible to win.
I am not responsible for shipping, I forward all your information to the sponsor and they ship it to you.
Thank you everyone for understanding and following the rules!
As part of the giveaway guidelines other review/giveaway bloggers are not eligible to win.
I am not responsible for shipping, I forward all your information to the sponsor and they ship it to you.
Thank you everyone for understanding and following the rules!